Did you know that when you purchase a product from Kenyan Art, you directly support Kenyan artists who have worked really hard to design the product you are purchasing from us? Local artists put a lot of time, energy, creativity and heart to all the products they make. Any support you offer them goes a long way in helping them go on with their businesses and passions. In addition to all this, your choice to buy any product from Kenyan art helps put food on the tables of many hard working individuals who in turn support several individuals under their care.
From paintings, to household such as the Maria Clay pot water dispenser, to sculptures that well our story and traditional items such as the smoking pipes, we purposefully attempt, as Kenyan Art, to bring you all these products under one roof so we can support Kenyan artists together, and whole-heartedly.
The sole purpose of your purchase, however, should not just be to support Kenyan artists. The products in and of themselves do remind us how it feels to be authentically Kenyan and how our forefathers lived. They give us an insight into our lives hundreds of years back and also give us the forgotten sense of being an African man while at it. In addition to it all, these pieces of art are beautiful and very appealing to the eye. Our paintings are a precious addition to the decor of our households. The artifacts also serve very integral purposes in our everyday life.

If for anything, always remember your purchase goes a long way in empowering a disadvantaged family. Someone, somewhere has dependants who are looking upto these artists for provision.
If you seek to partner with us kindly reach out to us via email or call us on 0717136842.
We are glad to be impacting the lives of Kenyan, and African artists, throughout the world.